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Insurance Financial Solutions (IFS) is an insurance brokerage company licensed by the Insurance Supervisory Agency.

IFS has signed cooperation agreements with all insurance companies operating on our market.

Our basic and only activity, in accordance with the Law on Insurance, is the provision of professional insurance brokerage services to legal entities and individuals in Montenegro.


Insurance is becoming an increasingly important aspect of life and business, especially in unpredictable circumstances and facing numerous risks that surround us.

For companies as well as for individuals, it is important to recognize possible threats and contribute to risk reduction by providing adequate insurance.

Among the services that Insurance Financial Solutions (IFS) offers to its clients, we highlight  the following.


You may rest assured that IFS as your partner is licensed and operates in accordance with national laws and regulations.

IFS cooperates with reliable, reputable insurers and works in the best interest of you as our client, anticipating your needs and offering proactive solutions instead of solving problems when they arise.

Assure yourself of the high quality of the services we offer to citizens and to domestic and foreign companies.


Insurance Financial Solutions (IFS) is an insurance brokerage company licensed by the Insurance Supervisory Agency.

IFS has signed cooperation agreements with all insurance companies operating on our market.

Our basic and only activity, in accordance with the Law on Insurance, is the provision of professional insurance brokerage services to legal entities and individuals in Montenegro.


Insurance is becoming an increasingly important aspect of life and business, especially in unpredictable circumstances and facing numerous risks that surround us.

For companies as well as for individuals, it is important to recognize possible threats and contribute to risk reduction by providing adequate insurance.

Među uslugama koje Insurance Financial Solutions (IFS) nudi svojim klijentima izdvajamo sljedeće.



You may rest assured that IFS as your partner is licensed and operates in accordance with national laws and regulations.

IFS cooperates with reliable, reputable insurers and works in the best interest of you as our client, anticipating your needs and offering proactive solutions instead of solving problems when they arise.

Assure yourself of the high quality of the services we offer to citizens and to domestic and foreign companies.

Not sure what you or your company needs?

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There are many questions and possibilities. You can't be sure what tomorrow will bring, but it's certainly good to have a safe partner…

Maria Marlin Retired Govt Officer, ON, Canada

Very helpful fully explaining the different plans. Cash value is accessed via policy loans, which accrue interest and reduce cash value our valuable items.

Maria Marlin Retired Govt Officer, ON, Canada

Very helpful fully explaining the different plans. Cash value is accessed via policy loans, which accrue interest and reduce cash value our valuable items.
